Sell Better (Part 2)
Visual Appeal
If I see this, will I buy from me?
That’s a question you might want to ask yourself
Well, of course, the answer depends on your taste and hopefully, you have a great one because if it is ‘no’ then we have a problem.
Selling requires persuasion and one of the key ways to persuade people is to appeal visually.
Don’t mumble-jumble something together and hope it works. If it won’t appeal to your audience, it’s a waste of time and whatever resource you put in.
Visual appeal is like a girl on makeup, fully dressed, hoping to attract someone in the course of her day. The keyword — attract.
If you are looking to extract value from people of class (or whatever demography), you have to appear worthy.
The message is what you say, the design is how you say it.
If you are a person of quality dressed poorly, chances are, no one will give you the attention you deserve.
To make your design great,
- Organize the information properly from the most important detail to the least important one. It’s called hierarchy. You don’t want the least important detail to be screaming for attention.
- If you have to use images, make sure they communicate the message and they have high quality. You don’t want an image to look faded on your design. Get images from stock image platforms like freepik and pexels.
- Use great colors and not too many.
- Pay attention to the proportion of the elements in your design.
I think I’m starting to sound technical but I’m sure you get the point. Get a great designer or design team.
Don’t just show up if you want to sell on the internet, show up looking attractive. You don’t have so many chances to convince your audience.
A meaningful message plus great design earns you a conversation.
Speaking of messaging, I wrote about it yesterday, check it out here.
And here’s the final part of Sell Better — Tools and Platforms