Sell Better (Part 3)
Tools and Platforms
A little recap from Cakes and Instagram where this all started.
One of the reasons people find it hard to sell online is because they study the environment (internet) but they don’t study the fundamental principles of sales, so, you might run ads and post content and all the stuff you do and still do badly.
There are so many tools and platforms available on the internet designed to help you achieve your goals. There’s social media, email marketing solutions, sales automation solutions, content management systems, design, even payments. You’ll find just about anything you need.
Here’s the thing about tools, they don’t work well without a strategy and the strategy to get something done using one tool, say Instagram, is not necessarily going to work on twitter.
You need two things, first, a sales strategy, then a plan on how each tool will be used to achieve the goal considering the functions, environment and most possible optimal use of the tool.
If you are deploying the same plan on YouTube and twitter, you are making a mistake, people go to YouTube and Twitter for different reasons.
Let’s say you have a target or goal and an overall sales strategy, the next thing you need to do is master the tools that best achieves your goal, the peculiarities and functionalities and audience (if any).
In a chat with a friend who has reached a level of success in business, she described how most of her business contacts have come from LinkedIn and how she’s been able to maximize the value to build her business. Even if she did that on Instagram which I doubt she could have, it’ll have been in a different way; there’s LinkedIn premium that lets you message everyone but that’s not on Instagram.
The point, all tools and platforms don’t work the same way.
In business, specificity works over generality and it applies to tools and platforms