What Might It Take?

What are the chances?

Olabanji Stephen
2 min readSep 21, 2022

What are the chances that you’ll be the next Michael Jackson or record a song like Billie Jean?

What would it take for you to create a company like Tesla or SpaceX?

What are the chances that you will write 19 best-selling books like Seth Godin?

These are hard questions.

There’s an easier one though — are you willing to work as hard as them?

Seth Godin has written a blog post every day for over 7 years, making over 7500 blog posts.

Michael Jackson recorded Billie Jean 99 times and worked on the bass line alone for 3 weeks.
Quincy Jones (MJ’s producer at the time) in an interview mentioned that they went through 800 songs to get the 9 songs in Thriller (the best-selling album in the history of music).

Elon Musk slept at the factory for 3 years, figuring out the technology and mechanics of making electric cars at scale without going bankrupt.

Kobe Bryant and Christiano Ronaldo train more than most athletes.

Maybe there’s luck.
Maybe there’s a transcendental force.
Maybe they had a head start.
But, for sure they put in more work than most.

Do you know what it might take?
Will you…?

I wrote a book on showing up, creating meaning, and staying productive. And it has helped hundreds of people. Get it here at any amount you choose.



Olabanji Stephen
Olabanji Stephen

Written by Olabanji Stephen

I see the world differently and attempt to interpret it in ways that inspire genius

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