What Might It Take?
What are the chances?
What are the chances that you’ll be the next Michael Jackson or record a song like Billie Jean?
What would it take for you to create a company like Tesla or SpaceX?
What are the chances that you will write 19 best-selling books like Seth Godin?
These are hard questions.
There’s an easier one though — are you willing to work as hard as them?
Seth Godin has written a blog post every day for over 7 years, making over 7500 blog posts.
Michael Jackson recorded Billie Jean 99 times and worked on the bass line alone for 3 weeks.
Quincy Jones (MJ’s producer at the time) in an interview mentioned that they went through 800 songs to get the 9 songs in Thriller (the best-selling album in the history of music).
Elon Musk slept at the factory for 3 years, figuring out the technology and mechanics of making electric cars at scale without going bankrupt.
Kobe Bryant and Christiano Ronaldo train more than most athletes.
Maybe there’s luck.
Maybe there’s a transcendental force.
Maybe they had a head start.
But, for sure they put in more work than most.
Do you know what it might take?
Will you…?
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