Thoughts and Coffee. Part 2
Don't do overkaku
Overkaku is a Nigerian slang that means overdoing or stressing or anything in that ilk. For this post, let's say — overfocus.
Give your brain a break.
The brain functions in 2 modes — focused and diffused.
When you want to solve a problem or get ahead with anything, you actively gather information and try to make sense of the information you gather. At that moment, you put your brain in focused mode (active work). Sometimes, your brain cannot make sense of the information or solve the problem, and it’s not because you’re not smart, you just need a break.
When you take breaks, go for a walk, take a shower, or play a game, you put your brain in diffused mode, and in that mode, your brain is able to make sense of all the work you did in the focused mode.
That's why you get ideas in the bathroom and the solution to the math problem you’ve been trying to solve at the dinner table. Those eureka moments.
If you can’t think it through in the focused mode, take a break and allow your brain to help you.
Here’s part 1 in case you missed it