The design of Goodwill
And how it’s overrated
We can look at this from more than one angle but let’s start here. It’s overrated
The fact that you want to save the world from poverty or hunger, doesn't mean that you can. Right now, right? I probably more than anyone want to stop the war in Ukraine, but there’s little I can do about it. And there’s a group of people that believe that because their will is good and positive, they are great people, and someday, what they ‘will’ might happen.
Here’s the message in short: Goodwill doesn't help much without intent and responsibility, otherwise, we’d all be rich, and happy, and nobody will die.
You can buy the world for your girlfriend out of the goodwill of your heart and not communicate love.
Intent is putting a purpose to it and responsibility is taking the time and making efforts to know what she really wants. It might just be a hug every now and then or breakfast in bed once a week or just getting up from bed earlier but you just blew your bank account. Out of goodwill!
And a lot of relationships go south because there’s a disconnect between one person's efforts, the other person's needs, a lack of appreciation or not enough of it.
We sometimes think that as long as we have goodwill, we are right and unexpected responses are unfair. Hmmm…not really.
Goodwill doesn't get people promoted at work.
Work with intent (purpose) and responsibility (owning outcomes) does.
Let me make it easier…
Copy this:
To dreams, add goals.
To goals, add tasks.
To tasks, add accountability.
To outcomes, be responsible.
Goodwill is great but it’s not enough…