Stressful, but worth it
How are you thinking about climate change and the actions you are taking?
There’s a local drink that I very much enjoy, it’s called zobo and it’s made from a specific type of flower. Really healthy stuff, except that it’s sold in plastic bottles, and buying it every time means that I buy the plastics too. So each time I go to buy, I take my own bottles, so they can have theirs back and reuse them immediately.
I’ve been laughed at but I never fail to remind them that the plastics are not really disposable and they take around a million years to decay.
The other side is that I have to wash the bottles every time and that’s not quite easy.
I also buy food from two vendors and I take my own plate.
These guys are tired of me. They’ll rather give me a bottle of zobo than fill my own bottle with it and then have to refill theirs.
They’ll rather sell food to me in their branded plastic plates than fill mine with my food.
But the people in California would rather not have wildfires.
Families in North Texas would rather have it cooler.
The kids in France would certainly like to ski again and since they can’t, due to the lack of snow or the drastic drop…
The questions we should ask are:
What’s convenient? And what’s the real cost of our actions?
Here’s a post on packaging by The Daily Difference