Prepare to perform
The edge you can always have
We say –
Do it scared
Do it lonely
Do it nervous
Do it anyhow
Just do it!
Well, let’s add one — Do it prepared
Do it prepared because preparation can feed your confidence.
You can start from the known into the unknown. It helps your brain make connections, you’d be surprised.
It helps you see and take opportunities better.
Practice your speech, write more, sing to your friends, run the simulation over and over again, do some personal projects, put your portfolio in order, read, rehearse your pitch… practice!
And it doesn’t make perfect so don’t bother about getting it right before you show up.
It makes you better prepared, it makes progress and it helps you find better ways to deliver your value.
Some opportunities don’t come around very often.
So, don’t just show up, show up prepared!