I Want It That Way…
Might be why you don’t have it yet
Backstreet boys made timeless music with those words but this is not about them.
It’s about something that might be holding you back. And the real thing you need to hold on to.
We have pictures in our heads. Pictures of the end. Stuff we want to paint on the canvas of reality and by all means, hold on to them!
But here’s a tip…
The pictures in our heads connect to us with strings of emotions and if that’s all we want to see, those strings might be pulling us back because they make us feel like we can fly and that’s okay only when they are a motivation to do the work that is required and ask relevant questions like… What can I start with? Where can I get help? What better way is there?
It’s okay to want a thing and it's okay to want it in a way, but if we’d stay true to why we want it rather than how, we might get it faster and learn valuable lessons on the way.