How To Get What You Want
Not What You Are Served + The Story Of The Fat Lady
Earlier this week, I saw a profound quote on the internet and it goes…
You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do — Henry Ford
It turns out, the reason most people (actually everyone) want success (or anything related) is so that they can have a reputation based on it but let’s leave that.
I went to the gym earlier this week, and I met a really fat lady with her not-so-fat friend skipping. Then she said in Nigerian Pidgin English “if I fit skip now, my problem don end”. What she meant was, she would lose weight faster if she could skip.
The problem is, no one stopped her from skipping, and all she needed to do was get a skipping rope that hangs right there and skip. She would definitely find it hard to carry her weight but if she tried, she would move from one skip to two and five and 10 and….
So they started an aerobics class but she also wasn’t working out. When everyone did ten reps, she did one.
But it’s not so bad and she’s in a better place because she found the courage and made time to be in the gym, every day.
What we all need to do is crawl till we can walk, and walk till we can run.
The question is what do you want? And have you found the courage to take it on?
Often times, the enemy of what we really want to do is what we are currently doing, and if that is the case for you, it’s pretty normal and human especially if your means of livelihood is tied to it but you can rise above it and the way to start is set a deadline and make it work and if it doesn’t, set another one but fight for the life you love, fight for what you want.