Game of Thrones
The houses, The throne, The intent

It’s real, the game. And if you’ve seen the Game of Thrones (movie), you understand it. Winter is coming!
House Tyrell with pretty Margaery, House Baratheon with King Robert, (Joffrey’s supposed father), House Lannister of Casterly Rock with the giant pieces — Queen Cersei, Tyrion (the hand) and the kingslayer, House Stack of the north with Arya Stack (my favorite character), Sansa and the noble John Snow (allegedly), House Targaryen the keepers of dragons, House Bolton and all the houses in Westeros.
There are more pieces than you can count and chances are, you might die after your best move. It’s a voracious game. Allies become enemies.
If what you want is the throne, you’re playing. It’s an automatic enlisting and swords are pointing at you.
If what you want is to influence things, you don’t always need the throne and it’s less voracious. You can make an impact without being a target.
The worse place to be is not knowing what you’re playing for and why.
When the pursuit of a thing becomes voracious, it pays to take a step back to inflect by asking — What is the Intent?
It’s mostly voracious because the throne is the goal and that’s okay. Just be clear.
…and hopefully, you have what it takes, and backing down is not always a sign of weakness.